Before I begin my discussion of this episode, firstly, I would like to start by saying that if you have not seen this episode yet but would like to see it, then please, don't read any further, because this entry does contain spoilers, and secondly, I would like to clarify a few small things that pertain to the two most recent episodes, "Fracture" and "Momentum Deferred." For starters, just a few days ago, I caught another instance in "Fracture" (2.03) in which Peter refers to Olivia by her last name, which I am pretty sure brings the count up to three instead of two. Right before she goes into the bathroom while she and Peter are speaking to Dan Gillespie's wife and she is acting really strange, Peter says, "Are you okay, Dunham?" I just felt that I should probably clarify that since I had previously said that he calls her Dunham twice, and again, I want to reiterate how strange I find that to be for him to call her by her last name when he is either in the presence of Walter and Astrid or when he's directly speaking to her, as he is two out of the three times that he does it, and in the entry in which I discuss that, which I think is the entry I wrote for "Fracture" itself, I talk about why it bothered me so much, so I don't really want to rehash all of that.
In addition, last week, I offered the possibility that the reason why Rebecca looks at Peter so strangely near the end of "Momentum Deferred" (2.04) is because perhaps she is his mother in this reality, and although I am not fully sure if I want to throw that out the window just yet, since it is indeed still plausible (even though I never said that I was drinking the Kool-Aid just yet), I now know that that is not really the purpose of that scene. The purpose of that scene is to more or less confirm to us that Peter is indeed from the alternate reality, and that is why he stuck out; she sees people that don't belong here, that are not supposed to be in this reality since they come from the alternate reality. According to the Fringe Podcast, you can see him glow during the aforementioned scene, but I did not catch either of the two times that I watched it, so I think that I will most likely return to that scene and see for myself, because it had to have been pretty faint if I didn't see it either time.
Well, the first part of this episode that I want to talk about is Walter's apparent fear of Seattle. I felt really sorry for him because when he is in the lab set up for him and is about to conduct the first autopsy, he appears to be having a panic attack, and he even looks like he's on the verge of tears. I wonder why it is that being in Seattle upset him so badly. I mean, he says that the air in Seattle reminds him of St. Claire's (and, of course, I love how the writers had to have Walter say what St. Claire's is for those who have not been keeping up with the show), but something tells me that there's more to it than that. Something seems to terrify him, and he wanted nothing more than to get out of there; I don't think that he would have even chosen food over getting out of there. Could it have had anything to do with the final scene of the episode? Perhaps Peter being in Seattle helped him remember something that Walter is hoping Peter would have repressed? Then again, that couldn't be it, because Walter is panicking in the episode, because he is in Seattle, not because Peter is. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that it must have something to do with the final scene. From what I took from that scene, Walter hears whatever Peter says during his "dream," and it's easy to see from the look on his face that he is terrified, and I'm thinking that it has something to do with the final scene. This could be nothing more than mere speculation, but I'm wondering if it is at all possible that it has something to do with Peter being stolen from the alternate reality by Walter.
"Dream Logic," like "Night of Desirable Objects," is yet another "stand-alone" episode that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the show's mythology, which is a bit disappointing, but at the same time, for a "stand-alone" episode, this was a decent episode, and I give it seven and a half business cards. It keeps you entertained and on the edge of your seat throughout almost the entire episode. There's just one aspect to the episode that makes no sense to me. Dr. Nayak is apparently stealing dreams, and he becomes addicted to this. Olivia uses her stepfather (who is once again mentioned, which only further helps support my theory that he is going to be of importance later in the series) as an example because she says that he was one person when he was sober and a totally different person when he was "smashed," and she says that this was due to his addiction because apparently, an addiction brings out a Jekyll and Hyde aspect in you, but the reason that this made no sense to me is that if her stepfather was behaving one way when he was sober and a completely different way when he was drunk, then that was because when he was drunk, he was under the influence of alcohol, not because he was addicted to it. Perhaps Olivia is implying that the dreams themselves cause him to be someone else? I do have to say that for a "stand-alone" episode, this episode is pretty complex and even confusing.
Throughout the episode, I was wondering what was going on with the business cards. The first time, I didn't think much of it. I figured that it was just an unnecessary line of fluff that the writers decided to include, but then, the second time that she asks for a business card, I knew that there was definitely something going on, but I had no idea what; I never stopped to think that perhaps it has something to do with Weiss, since the scene in which he says something like he hopes that she has no problem with the color red is never concluded. That, of course, makes no sense to me, but I don't think that it's really supposed to make a great deal of sense to anyone. How does his procedure result in what Charlie told Olivia when she first met him, and why red? Last season, there were a few episodes that seemed to be color-centric, and it would seem as if this is another one, because there was the red that Weiss wants Olivia to look for on what people are wearing, and then, there is the color of the dials in Dr. Nayak's house when Peter and Olivia arrive at the end of the episode, which are set to red.
I am very happy to have seen Weiss again. I feared that at the end of episode 2.03, "Fracture," when Olivia walks up to him and pulls a gun to his head without using her cane, and he says to take care, that we weren't going to see him anymore, but apparently, he is still going to have an importance on the show, and I'm happy about that, because I have really taking a liking to him. Once again, there is no Jessup on the show, and that makes me happy while simultaneously frustrating me. It makes me happy, because as I have said before, it's going to take me a little while to warm up to her, because at this point, she doesn't have much of a purpose on the show, but that's exactly why I am frustrated. I want to like her, and I want her purpose to be made clear, but neither of those goals can be accomplished if she is repeatedly not on the show.
I am also really happy to see that Charlie's death is taking such a toll on Olivia because that is what I was hoping would happen. I feared that there was a slight possibility that the writers would kind of just brush it off and move on, but Olivia is hurting badly in this episode, and I knew that she would be. The scene that is especially painful to watch is when she and Peter are having the conversation about her first time meeting him, and before she tells him the story, her eyes glance to the photograph of the two of them together (Olivia and Charlie), and the both of them have wide smiles across their faces. Then, after she's done telling the story, she says something like she is just going to have to accept the fact that he's gone and that he's not coming back, and as her voice breaks, her eyes begin to fill with tears, and so did mine.
I am wondering if it was at all a "hint-hint" when she says that he is never coming back, a hint that he will indeed be coming back, since he will come back from the alternate reality. I think that I might actually have a theory here. We now know that one of Olivia's "abilities" is to travel between realities without the fatal consequences that most would face, and we know this based on what Bell tells her in the previous episode, "Momentum Deferred," so since she knows this now, what if she eventually tries to bring alter-Charlie over from the alternate reality? I have a really troubling feeling that based on this episode's final scene, Peter is going to find out very soon that he does not belong in this reality, that Walter brought him here from the alternate one, and when that happens, it's going to light up a bulb in Olivia's head, and she is consequently going to realize that she can do the same thing, that she can bring alter-Charlie here; that's just my theory, and I think that it's a pretty sound one based on the evidence that I have given to support it.
Anyway, as I was saying, I am very happy with the tribute being paid to Charlie, and I am very happy that they tacked on that scene in which Olivia goes to his grave-site to visit him, even though I think that I would have been even happier if the tribute scene had been more like a ceremony, with Peter, Walter, Broyles, and so forth all there to pay honor, but perhaps we'll still get that a little bit down the road, and speaking of what we'll get down the road, where are Rachel and Ella? We see Rachel in the premiere episode when she visits the hospital to see Olivia, but after that, we have not seen her, and I'm wondering if she has moved out of Olivia's residence due to her ex wanting custody of Ella, as we find out in episode 1.18, "Midnight." That issue has not been resolved, but since Rachel tells Peter that she left Ella with her babysitter in the premiere episode ("A New Day in the Old Town"), even if Rachel has moved out, I'm assuming that she still has custody of her.
I do have a theory regarding this issue, even though it's not a really a theory as much as it is putting two and two together. There was a promo for the new season that aired at the end of the season finale last spring, and so far, not one shred of the footage that is in that promo has been anything that we've seen this season so far (, and if you recall, the first season was initially supposed to have twenty-two episodes, and then, at the last minute, it was decided that the season would be cut to twenty episodes due toAmerican Idol taking Fringe off the air for so long and also due to Glee being on the week after the finale was actually on, so I think that there are "lost" episodes floating out there somewhere that we unfortunately will probably never see, and I mention this now, because to further help support this possibility, in the finale episode, "There's More than One of Everything" (1.20), Olivia is sitting on her bed when Nina calls her to tell her that she would like to hold her end of the bargain and set up a meeting with William Bell for her, and on the bed with Olivia is what appears to be a packed suitcase, so is it possible that that suitcase is Rachel's suitcase?
Something that I would really like to see out of this season is some substance on the "super-hearing" that we see in episode 2.02, "Night of Desirable Objects." It is abandoned after that episode, and in the next episode, "Fracture," the headaches become the problem, and if I remember correctly, Olivia doesn't even mention the "super-hearing" to Weiss, which I don't understand. She's so anxious to be "fixed" and to find answers that she puts a gun to his head, yet she doesn't tell him everything that there is to tell. Why does she experience the "super-hearing," and why does it suddenly stop? Anyway, as most of you probably know, we're unfortunately saying goodbye to Fringe for three weeks, due to baseball. The next new episode ("Earthling") will air November 5th and will apparently focus on victims crumbling into dust (let's hope that this one ties into the mythology somehow). I think that I said in my last entry that the break would be at least two weeks, but it's definitely going to be three, which is a downer, but the bright side is that I would much rather that it take a few three-week breaks throughout the season than take two two-month breaks. Until November 5th, though, stay on the fringe.
In addition, last week, I offered the possibility that the reason why Rebecca looks at Peter so strangely near the end of "Momentum Deferred" (2.04) is because perhaps she is his mother in this reality, and although I am not fully sure if I want to throw that out the window just yet, since it is indeed still plausible (even though I never said that I was drinking the Kool-Aid just yet), I now know that that is not really the purpose of that scene. The purpose of that scene is to more or less confirm to us that Peter is indeed from the alternate reality, and that is why he stuck out; she sees people that don't belong here, that are not supposed to be in this reality since they come from the alternate reality. According to the Fringe Podcast, you can see him glow during the aforementioned scene, but I did not catch either of the two times that I watched it, so I think that I will most likely return to that scene and see for myself, because it had to have been pretty faint if I didn't see it either time.
Well, the first part of this episode that I want to talk about is Walter's apparent fear of Seattle. I felt really sorry for him because when he is in the lab set up for him and is about to conduct the first autopsy, he appears to be having a panic attack, and he even looks like he's on the verge of tears. I wonder why it is that being in Seattle upset him so badly. I mean, he says that the air in Seattle reminds him of St. Claire's (and, of course, I love how the writers had to have Walter say what St. Claire's is for those who have not been keeping up with the show), but something tells me that there's more to it than that. Something seems to terrify him, and he wanted nothing more than to get out of there; I don't think that he would have even chosen food over getting out of there. Could it have had anything to do with the final scene of the episode? Perhaps Peter being in Seattle helped him remember something that Walter is hoping Peter would have repressed? Then again, that couldn't be it, because Walter is panicking in the episode, because he is in Seattle, not because Peter is. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking that it must have something to do with the final scene. From what I took from that scene, Walter hears whatever Peter says during his "dream," and it's easy to see from the look on his face that he is terrified, and I'm thinking that it has something to do with the final scene. This could be nothing more than mere speculation, but I'm wondering if it is at all possible that it has something to do with Peter being stolen from the alternate reality by Walter.
"Dream Logic," like "Night of Desirable Objects," is yet another "stand-alone" episode that doesn't seem to have anything to do with the show's mythology, which is a bit disappointing, but at the same time, for a "stand-alone" episode, this was a decent episode, and I give it seven and a half business cards. It keeps you entertained and on the edge of your seat throughout almost the entire episode. There's just one aspect to the episode that makes no sense to me. Dr. Nayak is apparently stealing dreams, and he becomes addicted to this. Olivia uses her stepfather (who is once again mentioned, which only further helps support my theory that he is going to be of importance later in the series) as an example because she says that he was one person when he was sober and a totally different person when he was "smashed," and she says that this was due to his addiction because apparently, an addiction brings out a Jekyll and Hyde aspect in you, but the reason that this made no sense to me is that if her stepfather was behaving one way when he was sober and a completely different way when he was drunk, then that was because when he was drunk, he was under the influence of alcohol, not because he was addicted to it. Perhaps Olivia is implying that the dreams themselves cause him to be someone else? I do have to say that for a "stand-alone" episode, this episode is pretty complex and even confusing.
Throughout the episode, I was wondering what was going on with the business cards. The first time, I didn't think much of it. I figured that it was just an unnecessary line of fluff that the writers decided to include, but then, the second time that she asks for a business card, I knew that there was definitely something going on, but I had no idea what; I never stopped to think that perhaps it has something to do with Weiss, since the scene in which he says something like he hopes that she has no problem with the color red is never concluded. That, of course, makes no sense to me, but I don't think that it's really supposed to make a great deal of sense to anyone. How does his procedure result in what Charlie told Olivia when she first met him, and why red? Last season, there were a few episodes that seemed to be color-centric, and it would seem as if this is another one, because there was the red that Weiss wants Olivia to look for on what people are wearing, and then, there is the color of the dials in Dr. Nayak's house when Peter and Olivia arrive at the end of the episode, which are set to red.
I am very happy to have seen Weiss again. I feared that at the end of episode 2.03, "Fracture," when Olivia walks up to him and pulls a gun to his head without using her cane, and he says to take care, that we weren't going to see him anymore, but apparently, he is still going to have an importance on the show, and I'm happy about that, because I have really taking a liking to him. Once again, there is no Jessup on the show, and that makes me happy while simultaneously frustrating me. It makes me happy, because as I have said before, it's going to take me a little while to warm up to her, because at this point, she doesn't have much of a purpose on the show, but that's exactly why I am frustrated. I want to like her, and I want her purpose to be made clear, but neither of those goals can be accomplished if she is repeatedly not on the show.
I am also really happy to see that Charlie's death is taking such a toll on Olivia because that is what I was hoping would happen. I feared that there was a slight possibility that the writers would kind of just brush it off and move on, but Olivia is hurting badly in this episode, and I knew that she would be. The scene that is especially painful to watch is when she and Peter are having the conversation about her first time meeting him, and before she tells him the story, her eyes glance to the photograph of the two of them together (Olivia and Charlie), and the both of them have wide smiles across their faces. Then, after she's done telling the story, she says something like she is just going to have to accept the fact that he's gone and that he's not coming back, and as her voice breaks, her eyes begin to fill with tears, and so did mine.
I am wondering if it was at all a "hint-hint" when she says that he is never coming back, a hint that he will indeed be coming back, since he will come back from the alternate reality. I think that I might actually have a theory here. We now know that one of Olivia's "abilities" is to travel between realities without the fatal consequences that most would face, and we know this based on what Bell tells her in the previous episode, "Momentum Deferred," so since she knows this now, what if she eventually tries to bring alter-Charlie over from the alternate reality? I have a really troubling feeling that based on this episode's final scene, Peter is going to find out very soon that he does not belong in this reality, that Walter brought him here from the alternate one, and when that happens, it's going to light up a bulb in Olivia's head, and she is consequently going to realize that she can do the same thing, that she can bring alter-Charlie here; that's just my theory, and I think that it's a pretty sound one based on the evidence that I have given to support it.
Anyway, as I was saying, I am very happy with the tribute being paid to Charlie, and I am very happy that they tacked on that scene in which Olivia goes to his grave-site to visit him, even though I think that I would have been even happier if the tribute scene had been more like a ceremony, with Peter, Walter, Broyles, and so forth all there to pay honor, but perhaps we'll still get that a little bit down the road, and speaking of what we'll get down the road, where are Rachel and Ella? We see Rachel in the premiere episode when she visits the hospital to see Olivia, but after that, we have not seen her, and I'm wondering if she has moved out of Olivia's residence due to her ex wanting custody of Ella, as we find out in episode 1.18, "Midnight." That issue has not been resolved, but since Rachel tells Peter that she left Ella with her babysitter in the premiere episode ("A New Day in the Old Town"), even if Rachel has moved out, I'm assuming that she still has custody of her.
I do have a theory regarding this issue, even though it's not a really a theory as much as it is putting two and two together. There was a promo for the new season that aired at the end of the season finale last spring, and so far, not one shred of the footage that is in that promo has been anything that we've seen this season so far (, and if you recall, the first season was initially supposed to have twenty-two episodes, and then, at the last minute, it was decided that the season would be cut to twenty episodes due toAmerican Idol taking Fringe off the air for so long and also due to Glee being on the week after the finale was actually on, so I think that there are "lost" episodes floating out there somewhere that we unfortunately will probably never see, and I mention this now, because to further help support this possibility, in the finale episode, "There's More than One of Everything" (1.20), Olivia is sitting on her bed when Nina calls her to tell her that she would like to hold her end of the bargain and set up a meeting with William Bell for her, and on the bed with Olivia is what appears to be a packed suitcase, so is it possible that that suitcase is Rachel's suitcase?
Something that I would really like to see out of this season is some substance on the "super-hearing" that we see in episode 2.02, "Night of Desirable Objects." It is abandoned after that episode, and in the next episode, "Fracture," the headaches become the problem, and if I remember correctly, Olivia doesn't even mention the "super-hearing" to Weiss, which I don't understand. She's so anxious to be "fixed" and to find answers that she puts a gun to his head, yet she doesn't tell him everything that there is to tell. Why does she experience the "super-hearing," and why does it suddenly stop? Anyway, as most of you probably know, we're unfortunately saying goodbye to Fringe for three weeks, due to baseball. The next new episode ("Earthling") will air November 5th and will apparently focus on victims crumbling into dust (let's hope that this one ties into the mythology somehow). I think that I said in my last entry that the break would be at least two weeks, but it's definitely going to be three, which is a downer, but the bright side is that I would much rather that it take a few three-week breaks throughout the season than take two two-month breaks. Until November 5th, though, stay on the fringe.
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